
的 impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning 罗伊诉. 韦德将是毁灭性的. 下面是接下来的内容.

杰西卡安诺, 她/她/她的,sbobet篮球高级政策顾问

最高法院今天的裁决,推翻了 罗伊诉. 韦德, 没有什么比这更可耻的了吗, 全面, 政治驱动的决定会改变你的生活, 事实上, life-threatening consequences for women and other people who can become pregnant. 的 devastation of this moment and how it will erode so many of our fundamental rights cannot be underestimated.

Today’s decision revokes the federal constitutional right to abortion, 我们对自己的生活和未来也有了掌控权. As a result of this decision, 一半的州 are expected to ban abortion.

This is an outrageous attack on women’s rights and the bodily autonomy of everyone who can become pregnant, 其影响将是直接而深远的. Forcing someone to carry a pregnancy and give birth against their will has devastating impacts, 让他们的生活脱轨, 教育, 职业规划, and assigning them to a future they never wanted or envisioned for themselves.

尽管今天的情况很糟糕,但这仅仅是个开始. Extremists have made it clear they won’t be content until abortion is banned 在全国范围内. 他们也不会停止堕胎. 的 same extremists seeking to control the bodies of pregnant people are coming for our rights to access birth control and gender-affirming health care, 嫁给我们所爱的人, 然后投票. But sbobet篮球 has been fighting for our fundamental rights since before 罗伊诉. 韦德 已经决定了,我们现在不会让步,永远不会. 的 ACLU and our supporters have been preparing for this moment.

What is the Mississippi abortion ban, and how did we get 在这里?

密西西比州使用 多布斯 to issue a direct invitation to the Supreme Court to overturn 罗伊. 的 情况下 was brought on behalf of the last abortion clinic in Mississippi by the Center for 生育权, and it challenged a state law banning abortion after 15 weeks, 明显违反 罗伊. 的 state asked the court not just to uphold the 15-week ban, but to reconsider the constitutionality of abortion entirely and to declare that the Constitution does not protect the right to abortion 在所有. 这正是法院今天的裁决.


Forcing someone to carry a pregnancy against their will has life-altering consequences, including enduring serious health risks from continued pregnancy and childbirth, 使摆脱贫困变得更加困难, 不受教育, 职业生涯, 还有人生规划, 让你更难离开虐待你的伴侣. This decision will also lead to miscarriages being subject to suspicion, 调查, 和逮捕, 病人和医生被关进监狱.

的se burdens will disproportionately fall on women of color, 那些勉强维持生计的人, 年轻人, 移民, 残疾人士, 以及LGBTQ+社区.

今天的裁决也将带来致命的后果, with the harm falling hardest on Black women and other people of color who already face a maternal mortality crisis that is most severe in the same states that are determined to ban abortion. 事实上,黑人女性是 三次 more likely than white women to die during childbirth or shortly t在这里after. If abortion is banned 在全国范围内, pregnancy-related deaths are estimated to 增加 by 21 percent 在全国范围内, and 33 percent among Black women.


没有联邦政府的堕胎权,大约 一半的州 是否有望在不久的将来禁止堕胎. 其中一些法律将立即生效, some will require additional action to put the law into effect, 一些州将通过新的法律.

这不是一夜之间发生的. It has been part of a decades-long project to take away a right upon which people have relied for half a century. Anti-abortion politicians have spent decades enacting a patchwork of abortion bans 在州一级 that pushed abortion out of reach and laid a foundation for the moment we find ourselves in now: when they can ban abortion throughout wide swaths of the country. 但我们知道,他们不会就此止步. Today’s decision brings anti-abortion politicians one step closer to their ultimate goal of outlawing abortion 在全国范围内.


Everyone deserves the dignity and power to decide for themselves if and when they have a child. Those who are trying to take away our basic rights are counting on our silence. We cannot afford to stay quiet when our rights and our freedoms are on the line, and we won’t.

这是一个危机时刻,但我们并非无能为力. 今年,堕胎权确实是一项投票议题, and we must vote like our rights depend on it — because they do.

随着联邦宪法规定的堕胎权被废除, 州宪法权利比以往任何时候都更加重要. 在密歇根州和佛蒙特州, efforts are underway to enshrine the right to reproductive freedom in their state constitutions.

相反, proposed state constitutional amendments to take away abortion rights are on the ballot in 堪萨斯 今年八月, 在肯塔基州 今年11月. 我们不能让这些措施得逞.

我们可以通过走上街头发出我们的声音. Protests and actions are taking place across the country, and you can locate events in your state 在这里. You can join these efforts and sign up for alerts from sbobet篮球 by texting FIGHTBACK to 826-23 for more actions and updates on the crucial work ahead.*

You can also help secure abortion access for those who need it most by 为堕胎基金捐款 帮助人们获得重症监护,通过捐赠给 sbobet篮球.

最后,你可以帮助消除堕胎的污名 分享你的故事 and talking about how abortion access has changed your life. 说话 to your friends, family, and neighbors about why abortion access is essential.

这取决于我们 绝大多数 支持堕胎的美国人 团结起来战斗 for a world w在这里 we have the freedom to control our bodies and futures. We are joining forces with partners and working to mobilize folks in every corner of the country to get involved in the fight for bodily autonomy.

的 ACLU will continue to do everything in our power to ensure all people can access the care they need, 当他们需要的时候. 我们到处为自己的权利而战:在法庭上, 在国会和州立法机构, 在街上, 在投票箱前. 政客们没有最后的发言权. 我们所做的.

*By texting FIGHTBACK to 826-23 you are agreeing to receive phone calls and texts (including automated recurring text messages) from sbobet篮球 and its state affiliates at the contacts provided. 消息 & 数据速率可能适用. 文本STOP选择退出自动文本. 隐私声明.