In this lawsuit against Colorado Springs police officers and the 科罗拉多斯普林斯市, the ACLU of Colorado charged that two Black clients, 瑞安和本杰明·布朗, were victims of the police department’s “custom and practice” of engaging in racially-biased policing and carrying out groundless, 出于种族动机的拦截和搜查.

The Brown brothers were driving just a block away from their home in a predominantly white neighborhood when they were pulled over by Colorado Springs police. 

A taser-wielding officer ordered Benjamin Brown, the driver, out of the car.  他被戴上了手铐, 无故搜查, and detained in the back of a police vehicle, 尽管他一直很合作, 没有发现武器或违禁品, and there was no evidence to suggest that he had been involved in a crime.

瑞恩•布朗 开始用手机录下这次会面. His repeated requests for the officers to identify the reason for the stop were ignored.  Officers worked together to force him out of the car, push him to the ground face-down in the snow, 搜索他, 给他戴上手铐, 一直被枪指着.

The officers dragging 瑞恩•布朗 out of the car said he was not under arrest and they were just checking him for weapons.   没有发现武器.  Officers grabbed Ryan’s phone and threw it in the snow.  然后,他们以“妨碍公务”为由传唤瑞安.”

瑞恩•布朗 immediately filed a citizen complaint, and ACLU lawyers won dismissal of the obstruction charge. 

Ryan收到了 简短的样板信 stating that police had conducted a “complete and thorough” investigation into the incident and concluded that the officers’ conduct was 正当的,合法的,恰当的.”

The lawsuit asserts that Colorado Springs police have an il法律 custom and practice of : “(1) engaging in racial profiling at the initial stop of individuals; (2) searching them without reasonable suspicion that they are armed or dangerous; and (3) unnecessarily detaining them for extended periods of time in an effort to build some basis for arrest.”

更新: In a settlement, Colorado Springs paid $212,000 to compensate the ACLU’s clients.  The police department also agreed to numerous improvements and revisions to its policies relating to pat-down searches and persons recording police activities.  I




2015-02, 16-cv-02540,